The canopy over the grave of fr .Dimitri Smirnov in Petrovsky Park.


Dimitri Smirnov was one of the few people who were able to deeply touch the souls of people with his word.

I remember well the broadcasts on Radio Radonezh in the mid-90s, when, as a teenager, I first met this outstanding thinker of our religious renaissance of the turn of the century.

Fr. Dimitri could be clever or a fool, depending on the circumstances. His original, sometimes sharp and funny answers to listeners made a strong impression and remained in the memory for a long time. No one was indifferent to him. It was impossible to treat him indifferently.

At that time, priests were rarely shown on television, there was no Internet, so the external image of famous Church servants, both for me and for many other believers, was formed from Radonezh broadcasts. It was the same with Fr. Dimitri: they knew and loved him for his parting words, for his sincerity and waited for the next broadcast, but they never saw how he looked outwardly. Yes, it was not so important.

Many years have passed since then, but the phenomenon of personality about.Dimitri Smirnov, its scale still needs to be understood, which can only come with time.

In the process of designing the canopy , the idea arose to use fr . as immortal quotes .Dimitri Smirnov, who have long gone to the people, and phrases of parting words, answers to vital questions.. Perhaps someone from those who will come to visit fr.Dimitri, will receive an answer to his question in these quotes.

The quotes are made in the form of metal engraving, and are located on metal shelves next to the canopy, under which there are small flower girls.. The steles themselves are a metal frame made in the style of Russian Art Nouveau. A four-pitched roof with three kokoshniks rests on the openwork racks, which are made in the style of stellas. The canopy is crowned by a copy of the cross of the Annunciation Church in Petrovsokm Park (the church in which fr.Dimitri Smirnov) made of palladium.

The dimensions of the canopy correspond to the shelter of the grave and the clergy performing the memorial service.The grave is decorated with a stone outline around the flower girl and a monument in the form of a carved white stone cross on a pedestal. Benches for visitors are located on the south and north sides of the canopy. The area under the shade is highlighted with light paving.