Собор Сретенского монастыря в Москве.


The monumental image of the temple is the image of the mother church, gathering her children under the wing. The theme of bird flight is the theme of a feat, the path to the Heavenly Fatherland. These two themes, static and dynamic, reveal the main idea of the project.

The plan of the temple is a square, the side of which is equal to 24 fathoms (36.6 m). The height of the temple to the top of the cross is 26 sazh. (39.7 m), to the ridge of the roof of the quad- 14 fathoms. (21.4m). Other elements of the temple are made in multiples of the Old Russian fathom: the width and height of the pillars, the width of the drums, etc.

The main volume of the temple with its monumentality and conciseness resembles the Solovetsky Monastery - the place of the feat of the New Martyrs. This impression is reinforced by the architecture of the bell tower, which resembles a camp tower, as a kind of warning symbol.